Most of my english speakers do not know, but we moved in The Netherlands six months ago. We have a one year old child and a four year old, that started school right away. I was not worried and still am not for my one year old, as he has […]
Lifestyle for my Kids
Foarte multe mame tinere îmi scriu cu întrebarea “Ana, cum îți educi copiii? Care sunt regulile de bază pe care le implimentezi copiilor tăi?” Înainte de a începe marea filosofie despre viață, vrea să vă spun că eu sunt o mamă foarte relaxată și privesc natural evoluția copiilor mei. Dar, […]
Travelling with Kids ( Part II)
I know lots of moms out there are still looking for the right moment and courage to travel with the kids. Most of you did it, some of you are still wondering if it’s the right thing to do. I am going to share with you my own experiences, so […]
Sweet Christmas
Merry Christmas everyone! Celebrating the Winter Holidays in four is definitely much more fun. Especially when two of your family members are toddlers. Christmas Day can be with ups and downs with them and you can get a lot of different emotions from them. But it’s so much more fun […]
Teo’s 1st Birthday
It’s so rainy and cold outside, you know like November always is, that I thought about bringing back some summer to you guys. So, here are some magic moments from Teo’s first Birthday Party. We did a super small party with just the closest ones and it was magical. I […]
Weekends are different. People are allowed to enjoy it however they want. Wether it’s watching movies on the couch all day, doing laundry, sports or going out with the kids. Well, with the kids around we don’t really get to sit on the couch. Usually our weekends are chill, but […]