Month: October 2013



I’m still having the most weird two weeks of my life. They’re all awkward because of our little angel that has taken all our space and time. Literally, she takes all our time. I’ve had mixed feelings since she came into this world. Feelings of anxiety, tiredness, happiness and lots […]

Hello world

Hello world

Here she is – our precious Emilia. Words can not describe our feelings for her. [RO] Iată si prețioasa noastră fetiță – Emilia. Nu-mi ajung cuvinte în vocabular pentru a descrie ce sentimente avem față de ea :).

Malvensky charms

Malvensky charms

And when you love someone so much, you want them to be always close to your heart. That’s why I bought this amazing necklace from Malvensky with my daughter’s name on it for me and a cute personalized bracelet for her. Love. [RO] Si cînd iubesti pe cineva atît de […]



Yesterday, 7.55 am our Emilia came into this world. Words can not describe our joy, feelings and emotions! Here is just a small tease with our hands, just how we spent our morning together :) [RO] Probabil nu este deja o noutate, dar este o postare care vreau să o […]

Inspiration from our projects

Inspiration from our projects

Everything started from a simple shooting in the backyard of my cousins house. And it included peonies, my favorite flowers of all times. Then, with my makeup abilities, ideas, with lots of creative people and the girls from my beauty salon, during a whole year we created sooo many projects. […]