So, I am continuing the post about gift ideas for Christmas for all of my readers. For women you can definitely opt for hair products, because each and one of them would love this kind of present. Recently I started using Wella Fusion products and I simply love them. They […]
Beauty Products of the Moment
Christmas & New Year’s Eve is right on the corner, so every girl is close to choosing the final looks for these Holidays. Most of us think of red lips when it comes to winter holidays, but I decided to create a different look for you guys. So, I opted […]
Juliette Armand Favorites
Ador să colaborez cu branduri, care îmi oferă libertatea de a mă exprima exact așa cum simt și cred că e potrivit acestora. Cu Juliette Armand am făcut cunoștință acum vreo 4 ani, cînd de fapt mi-am cunoscut și cosmetologul, cu care tot de atunci prietenim. Olesea este cea, care […]
NYE Makeup No.4
And here is the 4th look for New Year’s Eve created together with my team from the Salon. Get inspired and enjoy! [RO] Vreau să vă prezint cel de-al patrulea look de Revelion creat împreună cu echipa mea de la Salon. Inspirațivă! Hair – Daria, Salon Ana Ciorici Makeup – […]
NYE Makeup No.3
Here is the third look for New Year’s Eve Party. Blondes can always have fun with burgundy colors and chokers. See below and get inspired! [RO] Vă prezint în postarea de azi cel de-al treilea look creat pentru Revelion împreună cu exhipa mea de la Salon. Blondele pot opta mereu […]
NYE Makeup No.2
Here’s the second look for New Year’s Eve that we created with my team from the salon. For the makeup I opted for a clean, wet look with a golden accent and for the hair we did a messy, natural updo. Simple, clean and glamorous. [RO] Vedeți în postarea de […]