Tiredness gathers during days, weeks and months and at one point you have to do something about it in order not to explode. So, after Emilia’s first birthday party which was awesome and everyone was involved in making that party the best, we decided we need to take a short […]
Year: 2014
Our First Interview
Me and my daughter Emilia had our first short and fun interview. Check out this blog to read all about our free time, fun games and living together. [RO] Am avut parte de primul nostru interviu împreună cu Emilia. Vedeți si citiți pe dolcevita.md totul despre timpul nostru petrecut împreună […]
Autumn Cozyness
What is there not to love about autumn? The weather is perfect, not too cold and not too warm, everything that surrounds us is in golden and dark yellow shades. And the fact that there is sun every single day, makes this season just magnificent. All you need in such […]
Happy First Birthday Emilia
Your children will reflect you when they grow up. So, take time to show them love and teach them to grow into the right person you think they should be. Here are the ten most important things I want Emilia to be/know when she becomes an adult: 1. To value […]
Mother Daughter Thing
It’s really easy nowadays to raise a baby. With all the possibilities and access that we have, life with a baby becomes easier. So, as we travel a lot with Emilia, I have some amazing “things” that make our journeys much easier. See below all the great little things that […]
Autumn Vibes
What can be better than spending some of our last sunny autumn days in shorts? And if those shorts are the favorite pair yet, than those days are magnificent. Autumn, you’re my favorite season and I love you. [RO] Ce poate fi mai frumos decît faptul că îmi petrec ultimele […]